Last week we held our Staff Recognition event – this event celebrates our great team members who are recipient of Anniversary Awards, Teaching Excellence Awards and Staff Excellence Awards. It has been another year of achievement for the Community College – and all of our team members have again worked collaboratively to ensure that we create and delivered quality, inclusive learning opportunities to our students in another year of constant change. Congratulations to all our finalists, award winners and anniversary award recipients!
Stories about us
Meet the man behind the Darcy Street Project – John Cafferatta
With a background in Hospitality, Retail and Vocational Education and Training (VET); John provided years of training for people in the industry, jail system, disengaged youth in high schools & other at-risk communities. Hear his story first hand.
Darcy St Project Epping Community Cafe Grand Opening
Macquarie Community College partners with social enterprise Darcy St Project to open the Darcy St Project Epping Community Cafe in the Boronia Grove Community Centre in Epping.
Macquarie Community College hosts senior executives from the NSW Department of Education
Macquarie Community College was delighted to host senior executives from the NSW Department of Education at its joint campus of the college and Gateway Community High.
Student Testimonial: Learning Computer Skills to Catch up to the Digital Age
Leo felt completely left behind in an era dominated by technology and had almost no knowledge about computers. To change this, he enrolled in a Basic Computer Skills for Work & Study course at Macquarie Community College, where he exceeded throughout and graduated. Leo challenged himself once again with the Intermediate Computer Skills for Work & Study course, where he also flourished. After graduating in both courses Leo is grateful for the impact of MCC on his life and said: “I hope more and more people will take this computer skills course to catch up with digital times.”
Ever considered an alternate route to a great career?
Year 12 and university may not be the direction you want to pursue, but that’s not the end of the road. There’s never just one way to discovering your rewarding career. That’s what Sherilyn found with her traineeship! She didn’t need a qualification before she started, and she could complete her Child Care Certificate at Macquarie Community College at the same time. In a few short months, her life has changed dramatically. She is bouncing out of bed because she’s loving life. She’s found her calling.
Outstanding Results Flow from Holistic Child Care Training Program
Despite experiencing significant barriers to study and enter the workforce, Sue Bryant’s team of Child Care Trainers continue to deliver outstanding results from their students. “Nine out of ten students from the most recent graduating class were offered employment, with over 50 percent establishing themselves in full or part time work before they’d even finished the course”, notes Sue.
Macquarie Community College have developed a new program called SKILLS4You to further bridge the gap and support learners through a holistic program. Each individual is assessed and a tailored plan developed based on their current learning and employment readiness.
Term 3 Catalogue Out Now! Step Outside Your Comfort Zone
The Term 3 Catalogue is out now. Step outside your comfort zone and try one of our new courses – Tarot & Oracle Card Reading, Polymer Clay Jewellery and more!
“Family First!” Child Care Work Provides Much Needed Flexibility for Barsha
Barsha arrived in 2008 from Bangladesh as a refugee, looking forward to the fresh start that a new life in Australia promised. At 30 years old, she thought she would be too old to start studying and start a new career in Childcare. But she soon found herself being inspired by older women in Australia who had kids and were able to have a career of their own too. Barsha enrolled in the Child Care Certificate course and has not looked back! She was offered a job during her work placement as she made such a great impression. In fact, 7 out of 8 of Barsha’s classmates were offered jobs during their work placement. After being there for less than a year, Barsha was awarded the ‘Educator of the Year’ award. Barsha says ‘Macquarie Community College is the best place if you want to study and make a career in Child Care. MCC supports women very well to build their careers. Child care is a huge industry where there’s lots of opportunities and they need more people. Now’s the best time to start – you’re never too old or young’.
Training People for the Most Important Job in the World
“I tell my students that looking after a person who’s in their last stage of life is one of the most important jobs in the world,” says Heather, Community Services Lead Trainer at Macquarie Community College. “Some of these people have fought for Australia, and all of them have helped build and contribute to this country. It’s very satisfying to make a difference in their lives.”
Heather’s no-nonsense style, her directness in communicating, makes her a popular trainer of Aged or Disability Care courses. Without mincing words, she gives her students a complete picture of their client’s needs and that there are more than just physical and technical aspects to caring.