Barsha arrived in 2008 from Bangladesh as a refugee, looking forward to the fresh start that a new life in Australia promised. At 30 years old, she thought she would be too old to start studying and start a new career in Childcare. But she soon found herself being inspired by older women in Australia who had kids and were able to have a career of their own too. Barsha enrolled in the Child Care Certificate course and has not looked back! She was offered a job during her work placement as she made such a great impression. In fact, 7 out of 8 of Barsha’s classmates were offered jobs during their work placement. After being there for less than a year, Barsha was awarded the ‘Educator of the Year’ award. Barsha says ‘Macquarie Community College is the best place if you want to study and make a career in Child Care. MCC supports women very well to build their careers. Child care is a huge industry where there’s lots of opportunities and they need more people. Now’s the best time to start – you’re never too old or young’.