Message from the CEO: Harmony Week 2020 - Everyone Belongs

Message from the CEO: Harmony Week 2020 – Everyone Belongs

Macquarie Community College is an educational community where we “walk together and talk together” regardless of our beliefs, backgrounds, colour, abilities or other “differences” – where everybody belongs.We urge all to do their bit to keep our communities strong, to offer a kind word or a cuppa to a neighbour that might be feeling vulnerable or sad, to depend on facts not fears. Stay Calm, Wash your Hands and Open your Hearts seems to me to be a good mantra for these times.

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Message From the CEO: Celebrating International Women’s Day

Message From the CEO: Celebrating International Women’s Day

The theme of this year’s International Women’s Day is Generation Equality. Generation Equality is a call to action to join forces across generations, to create a world where every girl and woman has equal opportunities to fulfil their full potential. At MCC, we are celebrating our 70th year of delivering inclusive and affordable learning opportunities, unlocking learning and earning pathways for a very broad and diverse range of women  – in 2019 more than 70% of our students were female and from a range of ages between 18 and over 70 from a very diverse range of cultural and socio-economic backgrounds.

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Delivering Great Graduate Outcomes...Again! 2019 NCVER Report 

Delivering Great Graduate Outcomes…Again! 2019 NCVER Report 

Once again, we are very pleased to share some highlights of independent, rigorous national research conducted by NCVER in 2019 summarising responses about accredited training delivered in 2018.

In our 2019 report we again have results that are better than the 2019 national average of all VET providers.

71.2% of respondents were not employed prior to training, with 28.3% of them moving into employment after training with Macquarie Community College.

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Kick Start Your New Year’s Resolutions Today!

Kick Start Your New Year’s Resolutions Today!

Now’s the time to take control of 2020 and kick start your new year’s resolutions!

Our Term 1 catalogue is out now and there’s hundreds of classes that can help you develop yourself in 2020, including over 20 new courses in Kombucha Brewing, Beeswax Wraps Making, Ukulele, Creative Writing, Resin Kewellery, Formal Cakes and Buttercream Cake Decorating and more!

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Terrific Graduate Outcomes for MCC Students – NCVER Report

Terrific Graduate Outcomes for MCC Students – NCVER Report

A recent independent survey on student outcomes conducted by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) has found that MCC has seen further improvements in our already strong results of the previous year – with results that are generally better than the national average of all VET providers.

MCC also has strong employment outcomes. Our results show that we are actively and effectively helping our students, many of whom face barriers and disadvantage, progress along a training pathway to employment.

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Narrowing the Digital Divide

Narrowing the Digital Divide

We are committed to decreasing the digital divide in our communities where there are deep gaps in access, affordability and skills in using computers, phones and tablets. A new research report (The Australian Digital Inclusion Index) provides a comprehensive picture of Australia’s online participation to date. Things are improving, however, there is still lots to do.

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