After the challenges and changes that 2020 brought into our lives I think we will all be glad to welcome in 2021 and make a fresh start in the new year. We think that 2021 should be your year of learning. Start a new career, upskill or take up a new hobby!
Stories about us
JobTrainer saves the day for Carolyn
After 30 years as a Flight Attendant, Carolyn was stood down due to the impacts of Covid. She knew she had to re-skill in another area and noticed that roles in aged care and disability care were in demand. The NSW Government’s Skilling for Recovery program through the Australian Government’s JobTrainer Fund allowed Carolyn to enrol in her qualification and take advantage of fee-free* training, potentially saving her thousands of dollars!
MCC’s 70th Birthday: Our Calligraphy Tutor’s Story
Elaine, our talented Calligraphy tutor, has been teaching with Macquarie Community College for the last 30 years. She shares some of her memories as part of MCC’s 70th birthday celebrations.
A new high school in Carlingford – Open Day for students commencing Yr 9 or 10 in 2021
Gateway Community High is a new independent High School in Carlingford and an initiative of Macquarie Community College. It will open its doors to Year 9 and 10 students in January 2021. Come along to our Open Day to find out more about how Gateway Community High will be a place for young people to reconnect with their love of learning.
Community Colleges a stand out (again) in reaching vulnerable and disadvantaged students
A “virtual” parliamentary event this week announced the latest Community Colleges Australia Report showing that Community Colleges continue to consistently out-perform TAFE, private for-profit and other providers, in supporting vulnerable and disadvantaged clients.
Message from the CEO: MCC Starts a New High School in Carlingford
In January 2021, Gateway Community High, an independent high school in Carlingford, will open its doors to Year 9 and 10 students. It will be a place for young people to reconnect with their love of learning. Gateway Community High is an initiative of Macquarie Community College, a leading provider of Adult Continuing Education for over 70 years.
Creating beautiful art together through online learning
Online classes didn’t stop the Calligraphy Intermediate students from producing a combined class project! The project has been sent to the Australian Society of Calligraphers and will likely be published in the September edition of their journal, ‘Colophon’.
No Device? No Problems!
Working and studying during this ‘Covid-era’ has transformed the way we work and highlighted the importance of having up-to-date digital skills in order to connect and thrive in your workplace or studies. Macquarie Community College recently received a grant from the Good Things Foundation to purchase several electronic devices (laptops and tablets) to lend to students to help with their studies.
We saw a need within our community where some adults wanted to enrol in a computer course but were deterred as they did not own their own device. With our Loan Device Program, our students can borrow a laptop or tablet during the course of their studies.
A New Carpark for the College
With some face-to-face classes recommencing in Term 3, we are pleased to unveil the new carpark at the Carlingford campus to our returning students! The College wants to extend a big thank you to the State Government for the NSW ACE Infrastructure Program in providing a partial contribution of $73,000. With the addition of a significant contribution from the College reserves, we were able to complete work on the carpark earlier this year.
Message from the CEO: Celebrating 70 years of service to our communities of learners
This past month, we celebrated our 70th birthday! Established in 1950 under the Eastwood Evening College, we were one of the first Evening Colleges to open its classroom doors to local, adult learners. Much has changed and adapted since then, but many things still remain. Read more about MCC’s history.