Stories about us

Refugee Week 2021: ''Our Journey'' Photo Exhibition

Refugee Week 2021: ”Our Journey” Photo Exhibition

In celebration of Refugee Week, one of our past students, Justine, was selected by SydWest Multicultural Services to have her portrait taken. Justine arrived in 2004 from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Upon arrival, she worked hard to learn English at Macquarie Community College. Since then, she has also gained 2 Diplomas and a Bachelor of Social Science and now works in a State Member’s Office where she organises various community programs. Justine is also a mother to 6 children.

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Pathways to Incredible Careers

Pathways to Incredible Careers

Amber’s journey to realising her calling started when her friend with cerebral palsy complimented her empathic approach to personal care. Through Macquarie Community College, she studied an Individual Support course and was offered a job during her work placement. Now, she works for three disability clients, and has ambitions to strike out on her own as a Disability Provider. “They’re kind, they want you to succeed, and they always show you pathways to further your career,” says Amber who was able to enrol in her course fee-free under the Smart & Skilled and JobTrainer initiatives.

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The remarkable story of Congolese refugee, Justine Ndayi, who used education to revolutionise her life direction

The remarkable story of Congolese refugee, Justine Ndayi, who used education to revolutionise her life direction

Justine Ndayi is a multi-lingual, highly educated woman in a public facing role in the State Member’s Office. She has come a very long way both geographically and academically in the last 25 years. She puts this down, in no small part, to Macquarie Community College and the Government-sponsored English language program offered to her as a new Australian immigrant. This is the remarkable story of Congolese refugee Justine Ndayi, who used education to revolutionise her life direction!

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2020 Student Outcomes Survey: Great Employment Outcomes Reported by Students

Seniors Week 2021

We had a fantastic Seniors Week event last week, with more than 100 Seniors attending 20 classes over 2 days. We had a great time learning new skills in Dancing, Korean Brush Painting, using Digital Devices, Dru Yoga, Meditation, Guitar, Drawing, playing Bridge, learning Spanish and French and more!

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2020 Student Outcomes Survey: Great Employment Outcomes Reported by Students

2020 Student Outcomes Survey: Great Employment Outcomes Reported by Students

The 2020 Student Outcomes Survey is now out! We are especially pleased with the employment outcomes reported by our students.

• 30.3% had an improved employment status after training
• 34% were employed after training. Of these, 95.1 found the training relevant to their current job and 92.5% received at least one job-related benefit.
• 91.9% were satisfied with the overall quality of their training

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MCC hosts Michelle Rowland MP, Member for Greenway

MCC hosts Michelle Rowland MP, Member for Greenway

Macquarie Community College had the honour of hosting a visit from Michelle Rowland MP, Member for Greenway (Labor) at the newly opened Blacktown campus recently. Michelle has maintained a strong interest in the College over the years – especially given our community and student-centred approach to creating and providing inclusive, affordable training in a welcoming and respectful, supportive environment.

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Message from the CEO: Harmony Day 2021 - Everyone Belongs!

Message from the CEO: Harmony Day 2021 – Everyone Belongs!

Harmony Day celebrations have been taking place across our College campuses, celebrating the beautiful diversity of our students and staff in our physical and virtual classrooms. Macquarie Community College has always been a place where we go above and beyond to create an environment where people from all walks of life feel welcome, supported and respected.

So many of our students take the chance during Harmony Day to share their wonderfully rich stories about their culture, their country, their education and work experiences, their favourite music, books, their language – and of course their favourite foods! Learning more about each other’s cultures, lives and other ways of living is a key to building peace and harmony through understanding.

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MCC Blacktown Campus Official Re-Opening

MCC Blacktown Campus Official Re-Opening

Yesterday we were honoured to host many distinguished guests at the official re-opening of our Blacktown Campus, as well as celebrating 70 years of continuous operations since our origins as the Eastwood Evening College. Auntie Julie Jones, a proud Dharug woman, started the event with a warm Welcome to Country, beautifully delivered in language. She was joined by Mayor of Blacktown, Councillor Tony Bleasdale, Mr Stephen Bali MP, Member for Blacktown, David Collins, Executive Director State Training Services NSW amongst others.

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How a Learner-Centred Approach is Making a Difference to Job Seekers Across Sydney

How a Learner-Centred Approach is Making a Difference to Job Seekers Across Sydney

After 70 years of experience in providing highly successful support-based vocational education, our trainers have gained insight into how to deliver programs like JobTrainer/Skilling for Recovery in a way that revolutionises outcomes for adults facing barriers to learning. Our learner-centred approach diverges from the standard one-size-fits-all training model offered by other training organisations and features additional services tailored to the individual. Wraparound services for students include English language training and short workshops focussed on basic work skills.

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