Stories about us

Grounding: An Introduction to Meditation

Grounding: An Introduction to Meditation

Sydney is taking its first steps this week out of its 107 day lockdown. Now’s the perfect time to check in on yourself – the most important action you can take during these challenging times is to prioritize your own mental health and wellbeing. One of the most effective tools, to develop the ability to concentrate on one task at a time and stay focused in the here and now is Mindfulness Meditation. An ancient technique called “Grounding” utilizes the five senses of: SIGHT, SOUND, SCENT, TOUCH AND TASTE to help you become more empowered in the present moment.

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Message from the CEO: Never Stop Learning, Even in Lockdown!

Message from the CEO: Never Stop Learning, Even in Lockdown!

At MCC we are committed to lifelong learning and have lots of options for you to stay connected, gain new skills and make 2021 your year of learning! As we look to Term 4 it’s still not too late to achieve this goal. We have been encouraged and inspired by the number of students who have adapted well to participating in online classes over Zoom from home instead of in the classroom. Our students and staff have risen above all the COVID challenges over the past 18 months, including lockdowns.

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Adult Learners Week Event Winners for the Second Year in a Row!

Adult Learners Week Event Winners for the Second Year in a Row!

Macquarie Community College were pleased to be announced winners for the best Adult Learners Week event for the second year in a row. During the event, we engaged 300 students who learned a variety of courses, including Lockdown Haircuts, Self Care During Lockdown, Stay at Home Beauty, Creating a Veggie Patch, as well as our classes from our current Leisure and Self Improvement offering, Flower Arrangement, Acrylic Pouring, Tai Chi, Guitar, Calligraphy and more!

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Celebrate Adult Learners' Week - FREE Online Taster Classes

Celebrate Adult Learners’ Week – FREE Online Taster Classes

At Macquarie Community College, we have always been firm believers that you should never stop learning because you can ‘change your story’ through learning a new skill!

‘Change Your Story’ is the theme for this year’s Adult Learners Week. To celebrate Adult Learners’ Week, we will be holding free taster classes and demonstrations in a variety of Leisure & Self Improvement courses.
You can try Flower Arrangement, Acrylic Pouring, Meditation, Tai Chi & Qigong, Guitar, Self Care Beauty, Lockdown Haircuts and more!

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Refugee Week 2021: ''Our Journey'' Photo Exhibition

Refugee Week 2021: ”Our Journey” Photo Exhibition

In celebration of Refugee Week, one of our past students, Justine, was selected by SydWest Multicultural Services to have her portrait taken. Justine arrived in 2004 from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Upon arrival, she worked hard to learn English at Macquarie Community College. Since then, she has also gained 2 Diplomas and a Bachelor of Social Science and now works in a State Member’s Office where she organises various community programs. Justine is also a mother to 6 children.

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Pathways to Incredible Careers

Pathways to Incredible Careers

Amber’s journey to realising her calling started when her friend with cerebral palsy complimented her empathic approach to personal care. Through Macquarie Community College, she studied an Individual Support course and was offered a job during her work placement. Now, she works for three disability clients, and has ambitions to strike out on her own as a Disability Provider. “They’re kind, they want you to succeed, and they always show you pathways to further your career,” says Amber who was able to enrol in her course fee-free under the Smart & Skilled and JobTrainer initiatives.

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The remarkable story of Congolese refugee, Justine Ndayi, who used education to revolutionise her life direction

The remarkable story of Congolese refugee, Justine Ndayi, who used education to revolutionise her life direction

Justine Ndayi is a multi-lingual, highly educated woman in a public facing role in the State Member’s Office. She has come a very long way both geographically and academically in the last 25 years. She puts this down, in no small part, to Macquarie Community College and the Government-sponsored English language program offered to her as a new Australian immigrant. This is the remarkable story of Congolese refugee Justine Ndayi, who used education to revolutionise her life direction!

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2020 Student Outcomes Survey: Great Employment Outcomes Reported by Students

Seniors Week 2021

We had a fantastic Seniors Week event last week, with more than 100 Seniors attending 20 classes over 2 days. We had a great time learning new skills in Dancing, Korean Brush Painting, using Digital Devices, Dru Yoga, Meditation, Guitar, Drawing, playing Bridge, learning Spanish and French and more!

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2020 Student Outcomes Survey: Great Employment Outcomes Reported by Students

2020 Student Outcomes Survey: Great Employment Outcomes Reported by Students

The 2020 Student Outcomes Survey is now out! We are especially pleased with the employment outcomes reported by our students.

• 30.3% had an improved employment status after training
• 34% were employed after training. Of these, 95.1 found the training relevant to their current job and 92.5% received at least one job-related benefit.
• 91.9% were satisfied with the overall quality of their training

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