Provide First Aid

Core unit components

Course Overview

This one day course delivers basic instruction in the assessment and application of first aid for casualties, the initial response to an emergency, injury or illness.

This is not a replacement for professional medical care but is ideal for business Work Health and Safety (WHS) compliance, when undertaken by an employee or manager.

HLTAID011 – Provide First Aid unit is undertaken at the same time as:

  • HLTAID009 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
  • HLTAID010 Provide Basic Emergency Life Support

Macquarie Community College operates from a range of venues across Northern and Western Sydney. We have campuses in Blacktown, Carlingford, Chatswood, Epping, Mt Druitt and Ryde. Enrol now!

Learn more about this course

What you will learn

Course outline

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • Identify emergencies
  • Identify dangers to self, others and the casualties
  • Gain assistance from others and casualty consent
  • Assess first aid management required
  • Seek assistance from emergency response services
  • Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) according to Australian Resuscitation (ARC) guidelines
  • Operate first aid equipment, including an automated external defibrillator (AED)
  • Apply first aid principles
  • Manage allergic reactions
  • Manage and use different types of adrenaline auto injectors for anaphylaxis
  • Monitor the casualty’s condition
  • Communicate with emergency services and authorities the details of the casualty’s injuries and incident

Course outcome

Throughout this course you will gain skills, knowledge and confidence in responding and how to manage the following types of situations:

  • Allergic reactions
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Bleeding
  • Seizures and convulsions
  • Drowning
  • Wound care
  • Burn and scald care
  • Cardiac emergencies and conditions
  • Stroke
  • Diabetic emergencies
  • Choking emergencies
  • Asthmatic emergencies
  • Fractures, sprains and strains
  • Bites and stings
  • Head and neck injuries
  • Spinal injuries
  • Shock
  • Abdominal injuries
  • Positioning of unconscious casualty

You will also learn how to confidently perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) that may be required in any of the above situations, use an automated external defibrillator (AED) and accurately handover vital details of the incident to emergency response personnel.

At the end of the course, you will be issued a Statement of Attainment for the units where competency has been achieved.

What is involved

Time commitment

This course will include both classroom based sessions and home study.

This is a one-day course with face-to-face instruction for approximately 8 hours. There is also approximately 8 hours of pre-course work in reading your first aid workbook and answering the questions before the course.

PLEASE NOTE: Current industry standards state this course must be updated every 3 years with the CPR component updated every 12 months.


Assessment (including recognition of prior learning) must:

  • Meet the requirements of the relevant unit of competency, training package or accredited course, and
  • Be conducted in accordance with the principles of assessment and the rules of evidence, and
  • Meet workplace and, where relevant, regulatory requirements.

For this course assessment will entail the following:

  • Written and Verbal Questioning
  • Practical demonstrations and role-plays
  • Case Studies
  • Pre-course assessment

What you need to know

Entry requirements

An appropriate level of language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills is required to enrol in this course. Macquarie Community College may conduct an LLN assessment as part of the pre enrolment process.

Please note that all pre-course homework must be completed prior to attending.

Please contact the college to collect your pre-course homework at least 5 working days prior to course start date.

What you need to provide

All course material is provided and inclusive with course fees. Please bring along:

  • All course material is provided and inclusive with course fees
  • Your completed first aid pre-course workbook
  • Wear comfortable, suitable clothing
  • Notepad and pen

You are also encouraged to bring a towel or work out mat as you will be performing CPR on the floor as per Australian Council Resuscitation guidelines.

For remote learning online Zoom classes students will need a stable internet connection on computer or laptop to participate.

Fees and government subsidies

The NSW Government’s Adult and Community Education (ACE) Program provides affordable, local training and education to NSW communities. Under the ACE program, participants, employers, delivery partners and providers and the government collaborate to improve learning outcomes for learners and meet community training needs.
The ACE Program will also offer support to small business owners and their staff by providing fully subsidised accredited and non-accredited training in targeted courses in information technology, business services or foundation skills.
*Eligibility criteria apply. This training is fully subsidised by the NSW Government, and as a result your fee is determined through Training Services NSW formal eligibility criteria.
Students will need to supply the required evidence in accord with the requirements of Smart and Skilled eligibility.

  • Eligible for Subsidised Training: Fee-Free
  • Not Eligible for Subsidised Training: Price on Application

If you're a prospective student, employer or service provider please visit: https://www.macquarie.nsw.edu.au/adult-and-community-education/ for more information where you will find everything you need to know about the ACE program before you enrol.
Contact us today or call on 1300 845 888 to check your eligibility.

What you can do next

Study pathway

At the completion of this, you can also study:

  • HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an education and care setting, which is required if you are working in the Child Care Industry

Class details

RTO 90033
Start Date15 April 2025
End Date15 April 2025
TutorKaren Hogan
Location Blacktown Campus

Class details

RTO 90033
Start Date16 April 2025
End Date16 April 2025
TutorKaren Hogan
Location Blacktown Campus

Class details

RTO 90033
Start Date23 April 2025
End Date23 April 2025
TutorKaren Hogan
Location Blacktown Campus

Fees & Government Subsidies

At Macquarie Community College, we create and provide affordable and inclusive learning opportunities that meet the needs of individuals, organisations and communities.

Given the broad range of accredited and non-accredited programs offered by the College the fees and subsidies will vary depending on the course.

Fee for Service Courses 

Courses available on a fee-for-service basis will have the price clearly indicated within the class details. Additional fee information may also be found in the ‘’what you need to provide’’ section of the course details.

Funded Courses

Macquarie Community College delivers NSW government subsidised training, including training under the Smart and Skilled and Adult and Community Education (ACE) programs.

To access government subsidised training, including fee exemptions or concessions, you must meet the following criteria:

  • aged 15 years or older
  • no longer be at school
  • living or working in NSW
  • Australian OR New Zealand Citizen, Australian Permanent Resident OR a Humanitarian Visa Holder, OR a Partner Visa Holder whose sponsor is a current or past Humanitarian Visa Holder

When you enrol in a NSW government subsidised course you will be required to pay the Smart and Skilled student fee unless you qualify for a fee exemption.

For further information on NSW government subsidies visit the below funding pages.

Adult and Community Education 

Smart and Skilled 


NSW Fee Free Training 

Credit Transfer

Am I Eligible for Credit Transfers?

Credit Transfer (CT) is granted as a result of identifying learning outcomes already achieved through formal training. Credit outcomes may allow for entry into a qualification and/or provide credit towards the qualification. Credit Transfer given may reduce the time required for you to achieve the qualification.

To apply for Credit Transfer you will need to provide original or certified copies of certificates previously attained through formal training prior to completing the enrolment process.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is granted as a result of identifying and assessing previous and current informal education and training, work experience and/or life experience and knowledge. Previous learning and the evidence supplied is measured against pre-determined performance standards contained within the Units of Competency.

To apply for recognition of prior learning you should indicate your decision to apply for recognition as soon as possible after enrolment and the induction program.

We will be happy to provide you with an RPL kit after speaking directly with you to ensure you understand the requirements of this process.

Delivery Mode

To meet the needs of our students Macquarie Community College balances delivery and engagement across permanent, regular and temporary delivery sites and offer face-to-face, remote zoom classes and self-paced learning options.

Ways to Study

  • On campus

Our college campus locations are:

    • Blacktown
    • Chatswood
    • Carlingford
    • Epping
    • Ryde
    • Mt Druitt
  • Virtual classroom
  • Complete workplace training
  • Combine ways to study


How you got questions? Please see our comprehensive FAQ page for everything you need to know about Macquarie Community College, our policies, student support, application and enrolment procedures.

How to Apply

Step 1 - Apply

  • Select your preferred course and class
  • Review course and fee subsidy requirements to check your eligibility
  • If you need help contact us via livechat or via contact us form
  • Click Apply now

Step 2 - Assessment / Enrolment

  • We will assess your application and make contact within 2 business days
  • You will be asked to complete a language, literacy & numeracy assessment
  • Complete enrolment form
  • Provide all required evidence and/or documents

Step 3 - Start Learning

Following submitting your enrolment form and documents you will receive:

  • An enrolment confirmation
  • Tax invoice / payment plan details (if relevant)
  • A course reminder prior to your classes starting
  • A Zoom link (Online Zoom classes only)
  • A student login to your learning portal if relevant